A Few Right Thinking Men by Sulari Gentill

Title: A Few Right Thinking Men
Author: Sulari Gentill
Pages: 349
Published Date: 1 June 2010
Publisher: Pantera Press
Series Details: 1st book in the Rowland Sinclair series

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Publisher's Synopsis

In Australia's 1930s, the Sinclair name is respectable and influential, yet Rowland has a talent for scandal.

Even with thousands of unemployed lining the streets, Rowland's sheltered world is one of exorbitant wealth, culture and impeccable tailoring. He relies on the Sinclair fortune to indulge his artistic passions and friends...a poet, a painter and a brazen sculptress.

Mounting tensions fuelled by the Great Depression take Australia to the brink of revolution.

"The real enemy is Labor's Jack Lang and the Communist hoardes into whose hands he plays...What say I introduce you to some chaps?"

"What chaps?"

"Right thinking men. Loyalists who love this country...Rowland, I think you could be moving with the wrong crowd."

Rowland Sinclair is indifferent to politics...until a brutal murder exposes an extraordinary and treasonous conspiracy.

My Review of A Few Right Thinking Men by Sulari Gentill

The impressive debut Australian historical mystery novel A Few Right Thinking Men by Sulari Gentill (pub. Pantera Press) references Australia’s turbulent political period of the 1930s and is set in the fractious city of Sydney.

Life is just as tough in Australia during the early 1930s as it is anywhere in the world and the Depression is creating political tensions that threaten to spark the country. The working class in Australia are desperate to ensure their tables are not going to be empty from one day to the next and this means they are open to any ideas that will ensure their jobs are safe.

Out of the confusion and concern comes the threat of Communism taking hold, a perception that could cause more problems than are real.

Bridging the gap between the battling workers and the wealthy classes are people such as Rowland Sinclair, a young artist who is the youngest son of a wealthy landowning family. Although he will never want for anything thanks to the wealth of his family his artistic talents guide him more towards those who might be considered to have Communist tendencies.

The initial impetus to the story comes from the murder of Rowland’s uncle, the victim of a savage beating in his own home. With the police failing to provide the type of commitment to the case that he would like, Rowland decides that he will carry out his own investigation, a decision that puts him into the middle of a brewing potential war between extreme factions of Fascists and Communists.

Rowland’s chosen lifestyle runs contrary to the way in which his older brother, and now family head, Wilfred wishes he would conduct himself. The older Sinclair brother is a member of one of the groups who are arming themselves in response to the Communist threat, not to mention the right-wing group that is rising up with frightening speed, the New Guard.

What we witness is the potential danger that is generated by fear and uncertainty of ideals that are not our own. The organisation of these “right thinking men” represents a far greater threat to a peaceful resolution than might otherwise he reached and this is evidenced perfectly when Rowland and his friends get caught up in some rough justice during a visit to the New South Wales country town of Yass.

In its purest form, this is a murder mystery with the main protagonist working a classical undercover case. However, with the many historical references and the growing unrest within Australia that is documented, the novel feels very much like a political thriller. It is a powerful commentary on the ease with which revolutionary sentiments can move people to take war-like actions.

All Books in Sulari Gentill's Rowland Sinclair Series

A Few Right Thinking Men (2010)
     apa A House Divided
A Decline in Prophets (2011)
Miles Off Course (2012)
Paving the New Road (2012)
Gentlemen Formerly Dressed (2013)
A Murder Unmentioned (2014)
Give the Devil His Due (2015)
The Prodigal Son (2016) [novella]
A Dangerous Language (2017)
All the Tears in China (2019)
     apa: Shanghai Secrets
A Testament of Character (2020)
     apa: Where There's A Will

* Included here is the entire series listed in order of publication. Also listed are any alternative publication titles as well as a published novella