The Cryptic Clue by Amanda Hampson

Title: The Cryptic Clue
Author: Amanda Hampson
Pages: 336
Published Date: 3 April 2024
Publisher: Viking
Series Details: 2nd book in the Tea Ladies Mystery series

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Publisher's Synopsis

In ZigZag Lane, in the heart of Sydney’s rag-trade district, tea ladies Hazel, Betty and Irene find themselves in hot water. Having already solved a murder, kidnapping and arson case, and outwitting an arch criminal, they have proved themselves a useful resource and earned the respect of a local police officer. Now he needs their help to solve a plot that threatens security.
As if that’s not enough, Irene gets a coded message directing her to the spoils of a bank robbery, which sends the tea ladies on a treasure hunt with an unexpected outcome.

There’s also trouble brewing within the walls of Empire Fashionwear, where an interloper threatens not just Hazel’s job but the very role of tea lady. It’s up to Hazel to convince her friends to abandon their trolleys and take action to save their livelihoods – before it’s too late.

Reviews From Elsewhere


The second in the Tea Lady series doesn't disappoint. This time, Hazel and the ladies are in deep trouble - their jobs are being replaced by Cafe Bar machines. On top of that something strange is happening in the local vicarage, and trouble is looming with the building of the Opera House. Great fun. Read All Reviews


Grab your favourite tea cosy out of hiding and give it pride of place on your tea pot. Boil that water and brew your tea. Pull those scones out of the oven and slather with jam and cream (go on, I know you want to!). And be happy(!) for the Tea Ladies of Zig Zag Lane are back, and ready to put their detective skills to work with another mystery to solve!! Read All Reviews

Fifty + SA

Hampson’s three Tea Ladies, Hazel, Betty, and Irene, are back with their new adventure set in Sydney in 1966. There’s lots of lovely local colour with the social changes of the swinging sixties and the on-going construction on the Harbour of the (then controversial) Sydney Opera House. Read Full Review

Starts At 60

The Cryptic Clue is a captivating portrayal of the mid-1960s in Sydney, exploring themes of friendship and just how it feels to live in rapidly changing times — with some good old fashioned detective-mystery-solving thrown in for good measure. Read Full Review

The book delivers on a real sense of place and time with a hefty dose of nostalgia.

All Books in Amanda Hampson's Tea Ladies Mystery Series

The Tea Ladies (2023)
The Cryptic Clue (2024)