The Scoop by Terence J. Quinn

Title: The Scoop
Author: Terence J. Quinn
Pages: 400
Published Date: 23 July 2018
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Series Details: 1st book in the Jonno Bligh series

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Publisher's Synopsis

Journalist Jonno Bligh is flying high with a bestselling book and an Oscar for Best Screenplay. But along with the accolades he picks up a cocaine habit and a case of writers’ block.

Under pressure to deliver his next blockbuster, Jonno sails to the Indian Ocean in his beloved yacht The Scoop Jon B. When a violent storm cripples the boat he takes refuge on a beautiful remote island, where he vows to get clean. Little does he know that the murderous gangster BangBang Budiman uses the island to hide the spoils of his heists in the notorious Malaccan Strait.

Jonno watches in horror as BangBang and his crewmen brutalise two women on the beach before leaving them to die. He manages to rescue Annie Greenwood, whose husband has already been murdered. Together they flee the island with the stolen loot, relentlessly pursued by the vengeful BangBang.

As the killer hunts them down in the treacherous waters of South East Asia, Jonno and Annie are forced to come to terms with their own destructive demons – and a discovery that will change their lives forever.

My Review of The Scoop by Terence J. Quinn

Trouble on the high seas. The Scoop is a dramatic maritime thriller set in and around the Indonesian islands. Jonno Bligh, a kinda washed up writer is sailing alone, four young holidaymakers are on another yacht and a band of the most ruthless pirates are looking for victims in the same seas. All the ingredients for an edge of the seat thriller of the highest order.

Jonno Bligh had success as a journalist when he broke a huge story. The story became a bestselling book and that was turned into an award-winning movie that earned him an Oscar for his screenplay. From there he had a huge fall from grace thanks to an addiction to cocaine which prompted a massive spiral. Now, after hearing of the death of his former boss, friend and mentor, he has vowed to get himself right. He has the spectre of his publishing company on his back. They’ve paid him a huge advance and are expecting his next book to be written in the next few months. His plan, though, is to get away from it all on his yacht with a planned sailing trip through the Indonesian islands.

Four friends are also on a sailing adventure in Indonesia. Husband and wife Martin and Annie flew from Sydney to meet up with friends Gary and his girlfriend Dani for their trip starting from Singapore. They’re cruising around enjoying the tranquility, beautiful weather and glorious sights. Nothing could be more idyllic than lazing on the foredeck in the sunshine, drinking until all hours and taking it one day at a time.

When Indonesian pirates cross paths with the cruising holiday makers, the results are disastrous. A horrific few hours follow that end with Annie and Dani tied up below decks on the pirate’s ship heading to a deserted island for an unimaginable nightmare that is to come.

The paths of Jonno and the two women inevitably cross and what follows is a desperate chase where capture can only mean a slow and horrible death. Adding to the jeopardy of the situation is the fact that Jonno’s boat has been seriously disabled after a massive storm making him completely dependent on the wind and his sailing expertise to make good his escape.

There is a terrible juxtaposition between the beautiful surroundings of the islands and seas of Indonesia and the ruthless cut-throats sailing on them. The seeming tranquility that Jonno finds himself luxuriating in on his newly discovered island is shattered by the arrival of the pirates and their terrible debauchery. It creates an even sharper edge to the danger that is soon to follow.

The Scoop hits the mark in many ways as a completely engrossing thriller. This is largely a story of redemption and of heart breaking regret mixed together with a hell for leather chase and fight for survival. All in all, I thought it marked a fine debut and signals that Terence J. Quinn is an author to look out for.