A Time To Every Purpose by Ian Andrew

Title: A Time To Every Purpose
Author: Ian Andrew
Pages: 446
Published Date: 26 May 2014
Publisher: The Book Reality Experience
Series Details: stand alone

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Publisher's Synopsis

London 2020 - The Greater German Reich has dominated the globe for nearly a century. Now one woman aims to break the regime and reset the world. An accidental discovery allows real time monitoring of historical events but the regime are wary of its potential effects and ban its use for anything other than Reichsführer approved criminal investigations.

But the young scientist who discovered it, Leigh Wilson, has her own secrets and is determined to use what she has found for the greater good. The only problem is, she will have to trust someone she has only just met. Someone who claims to know her family. Someone who wears the death's head insignia of the SS.

In the aftermath of the cold-blooded murder of a senior Nazi official, Leigh is forced to make a choice. Will she destroy what she loves to save what she can only imagine?

Reviews From Elsewhere


The premise sounded fascinating but the execution is awful. A time shift story where despite a divergence in the timeline 2000 years ago, and which supposedly led to a different history - so much is absolutely the same - right down to London having the same topography and even the names being the same. I mean, there is a Mall and a Horseguards and Balliol at Oxford!! What a missed opportunity to create the London which might have emerged from a vastly different 2000 years of history!! Read All Reviews


Definitely an interesting concept. It was spoiled somewhat by the laborious beginning where every detail is written in an almost painful way. The book could have lost a hundred pages at the beginning and be a much better read. However once the action really starts it goes from dawdling to light speed. The last half of the book is faultless and impossible to put down. Read All Reviews