Carmel Bird was born in Launceston, Tasmania, was educated at the University of Tasmania and lived for a period in Europe and the USA before settling in Melbourne. Bird's fiction blends real and surreal, mundane and macabre with inventive irony. A witty writer with a wide but always highly original tonal range, Bird raises what is often potentially dour or even sinister or horrific to something approaching comedy. The Bluebird Cafe, was short-listed for three major awards including the Miles Franklin, The White Garden, was also short-listed for seven major awards including the Miles Franklin.
Courtney Frome series
Courtney is a freelance journalist who delves deeply into the stories behind the crimes
Unholy Writ (2000)
Open For Inspection (2002)

Stand Alone
Cherry Ripe (1985)
The Bluebird Cafe (1990)
The White Garden (1995)
Crisis (1996) - pen name Jack Power
Red Shoes (1998)
Cape Grimm (2004)
Child of the Twilight (2010)
Family Skeleton (2016)
Field of Poppies (2019)