Emily works as a teacher and as a mentor to young and emerging writers and was the 2018/2019 Writer-inResidence at the Charles Perkins Centre at the University of Sydney. Her latest novel, An Isolated Incident was shortlisted for the Stella Prize, the ABIA Literary Fiction Book of the Year and the Miles Franklin Literary Award.
Stand Alone
An Isolated Incident (2016)

Non-Crime Fiction
Taming the Beast (2004)
The Gospel According to Luke (2006)
Smoke In the Room (2009)
Fishing For Tigers (2012)
Rapture (2024)

Critical Acclaim
An Isolated Incident:
- Shortlisted 2017 Miles Franklin Literary Award
- Shortlisted 2017 Stella Prize
- Shortlisted 2017 ABIA Literary Fiction Book of the Year