Foul Play by Fiona McIntosh

Title: Foul Play
Author: Fiona McIntosh
Pages: 403
Published Date: 9 January 2024
Publisher: Michael Joseph
Series Details: 5th book in the DCI Jack Hawksworth series

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Publisher's Synopsis

Superstar footballer Luca Bruni is being blackmailed for a night of lust he swears he didn’t participate in...except the ransom photo denies that. A media darling on and off the field, he has powerful charisma, a perfect home life he’ll do anything to protect, and more money than he knows what to do with. He’s determined to defy the extortion racket.

When Detective Superintendent Jack Hawksworth learns that the cunning mastermind behind this crime has already swindled a dozen of the world’s most highly prized male athletes, he is instructed to keep the situation from escalating and prevent a media frenzy.

Intrigued by the creativity of the crime and the shockwaves it is creating through the global sporting fraternity, Jack begins a journey into a case that has tentacles far more wide-reaching that he ever imagined – and far more deadly.

Other Reviews


Given this book centres around Luca, McIntosh includes a lot of references to soccer. There’s detail about matches, training and all sorts of behind-the-scenes stuff that I found interesting (despite not being into the game itself!).

Of course at the fore there’s also Jack and regular offsider Kate, the former called in to investigate what’s believed to be the latest attempt to blackmail wealthy sportsmen. They find however that Luca’s case varies a little from the other victims who have all paid-up to make the problem go away. - Read full review


Fiona is an international bestselling author for a reason, and in “Foul Play” she adeptly layers the plot with tension and page-turning dialogue that will leave the reader on the edge of their seat. We highly recommend diving into this new title this January, as it will be a story you will not soon forget. - Read full review


I have read the previous books in this series and have enjoyed them all as well as this one the latest. DCI Jack Hawksworth is a different character to other police characters in other series. I enjoy reading about him and his exploits. This book is set around the English football scene which I don't know much about. It was a great read. - Read all reviews


Foul Play is the 5th in the DCI Jack Hawksworth series by Aussie author Fiona McIntosh and this one was a ripper! The brief but indepth detailing of Luca's childhood and youth as he moved to Adelaide with his family, then back to England to the Arrows, was well done - I knew him. Catching up with past characters was fun, and I loved sixty-something Joan and her swear jar. She cracked me up!! Foul Play is a different scenario to the usual, but the intrigue and creativity of the plot; the laid back calm of Jack's nature, all perfect - Read all reviews