Patrick Lyons grew up in a house full of crime; literally. Almost every room had a crime novel lying around, spread-eagled, face down, his mother’s ways of bookmarking. Christie in the bedroom, Rendell in the kitchen and Chandler in the lounge. It was only a matter of time before he picked these books up himself.
Patrick wrote his first crime story at the age of twelve. A school competition. He got an ‘A’. He also got a talking to about the amount of violence in the story. It did not matter that Patrick didn’t win; he was just thrilled with how the writing process seemed to flow. He’s been arrested by crime writing ever since.
Writing about his experience as an Anglo-Indian growing up in Australia during the 1970s and 1980s is a good way for Patrick to explore broader concepts of exclusiveness, racism, identity and duality. These notions subtly pepper his work, bringing grit to his characters.
Samson Ryder series
Sam Ryder is a Melbourne-based, Anglo-Indian private investigator
Masala and Murder (2021)