Tea Cooper writes Australian contemporary and historical fiction. In a past life she was a teacher, a journalist and a farmer. These days she haunts museums and indulges her passion for storytelling.
Stand Alone
The House on Boundary Street (2016)
apa Jazz Baby
The Girl In The Painting (2020)
The Woman In The Green Dress (2020)
The Cartographer's Secret (2020)
The Butterfly Collector (2022)
The Talented Mrs Greenway (2023)
The Naturalist's Daughter (2024)
The Golden Thread (2024)

Non-Crime Novels
Matilda's Freedom (2013)
Passionfruit & Poetry (2014)
Tree Change (2014)
The Protea Boys (2014)
Lily's Leap (2014)
Forgotten Fragrance (2015)
The Horse Thief (2015)
The Cedar Cutter (2016)
The Currency Lass (2017)
The Naturalist's Daughter (2018)
The Fossil Hunter (2021)
The Golden Thread (2024)