Chris Womersley was born in Melbourne in 1968, where he lived for many years. He trained as a radio journalist and has travelled extensively to such places as India, South-East Asia, South America, North America, and West Africa. He currently works at Fairfax online in Sydney as a sub-editor. Chris has been writing for most of his life and has studied creative writing at Melbourne's RMIT. His short story 'The Shed' was published in Granta New Writing 14 and reprinted in Best Australian Stories 2006.The Low Road is his first novel, and was shortlisted for the 2006 Victorian Premier's Award.
Stand Alone
The Low Road (2007)
Bereft (2010)
Cairo (2013)
City of Crows (2017)
A Lovely and Terrible Thing (2019) [SS]
The Diplomat (2022)
Ordinary Gods and Monsters (2023)

Critical Acclaim
The Low Road:
- Winner 2008 Ned Kelly Award for Best First Crime Novel
- Shortlisted 2011 Ned Kelly Award for Best Crime Novel