Patricia Carlon was born in 1927. From the age of 11 she was profoundly deaf, something that was not widely known from agents, publishers and even some friends. Carlon was a virtual recluse, living in the Sydney suburb of Bexley. She found it difficult to become published in Australia, but between 1961 and 1970 14 of her books were published in England. It has only been very recently that her books have been published in the US and finally in Australia. She died in Sydney in July 2002.
Jefferson Shields series
Jefferson Shields is a private detective in Sydney, New South Wales
Death by Demonstration (1970)
The Souvenir (1970)

Stand Alone
Circle of Fear (1961)
Danger in the Dark (1962)
Who Are You, Linda Condrick? (1962)
The Price of an Orphan (1964)
Crime of Silence (1965)
The Unquiet Night (1965)
Betray Me If You Dare (1966)
The Running Woman (1966)
Hush, It's a Game (1967)
See Nothing, Say Nothing (1967)
Forty Pieces of Alloy (1968)
The Whispering Wall (1969)